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Emotional First Aid Guide

We are seeking volunteers to translate this guide into additional languages. If you are interested, please complete this form

If you have a request for a specific language version not listed above, please contact us


Guided Meditations

4 minute guided breathing meditation (English)


8 minute guided breathing meditation & body scan (English)



5 minutos de meditación y escaneo corporal (Español)


Basic Tapping Guide

Not only can our beautiful tapping guide can help you calm an activated nervous system, it also uses BIPOC-centered images and a"Basic Tapping Points" graphic (left) with decolonized language.

Check out the simple guide on Instagram or download the PDF.


White Supremacy Culture 

(In Organizations)

A visual, healing-centered adaptation of White Supremacy Culture by Tema Okun (

This resource helps us understand the patterns that may live inside of us because of the culture that we live in, so that we can actively and intentionally practice the medicine to disrupt them. 

We encourage reading through this list with curiosity and self compassion. 

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We will update this page with additional downloadable and shareable resources.


In the meantime, if you have feedback on how these have supported you and others, suggestions for improvement, or further resources that would be helpful, please reach out and connect.


Thank you!

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