Rosa Cabrera, MFA, MS
Rosa is a Harlem native, born to Dominican parents, and is a single mother of a magical child scientist. She has published personal essays and fiction writing on motherhood, sexuality, Black feminism, and transnational identity. She has taught English in New York City and Oakland high schools for 5 years, and currently resides in Oakland, California where she serves as the founder of Reclaiming Our Own Transcendence (RooT) - a grassroots organization dedicated to ending sexual and interpersonal violence through the use of community accountability, transformative healing, and popular education and training in consent and rape culture.
Her previous work as a rape crisis counselor for SF WAR and her own personal experiences in surviving domestic violence, sexual violence, and intimate partner violence while attempting to love informs her teaching and writing endeavors.
Rosa holds an MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing from Mills College, MS in English Education from University of Rochester as an Urban Teaching Leadership Fellow, and a BA in Black and Latino Urban Studies from San Francisco State University. Currently she teaches English at Chabot College and Diablo Valley College, and founded InkRise, a writing workshop for survivors of violence in 2012.
You can read Rosa's pieces on Medium here.